Object No. 25 - Candle.
This candle was made after the candle holder was made. The shape derives from a piece of pine shaped with a block plane that was then used to make a plaster mold.
The candle wax is poured in the mold with a wick.
Material: Candle wax, wick.
Tools used: Candle mold, stick.
Size: 230x20x20
15.05.2022, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
This candle was made after the candle holder was made. The shape derives from a piece of pine shaped with a block plane that was then used to make a plaster mold.
The candle wax is poured in the mold with a wick.
Material: Candle wax, wick.
Tools used: Candle mold, stick.
Size: 230x20x20
15.05.2022, Eindhoven, Netherlands.